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The Vox ISM Labour Time Reporting (LTR) is a module designed specifically for the NAV platform. It is a browser based application that tracks hours for payroll (HR), jobs, and production orders.

How does it work? To start their day employees clock in with a scan card (barcode) or by entering their employee number manually into one of the available devices; Windows PCs, tablets, or mobile devices can be used. Employees will then clock in and out of various jobs, and production orders as they navigate their daily shop floor tasks. This process provides HR with the cumulative hours for processing payroll, while providing shop floor managers with real-time insights into their jobs and production orders. Are you still manually writing up labour tickets, collecting them, paying someone to sort through and calculate your totals, and crossing your fingers a slip was not lost? All of this only to find out at the end of the month that you went over your budget? Get the real-time information on costing, tracking, and scheduling.

Labour Time Reporting Agenda

  • Tracking attendance
  • Shop floor tracking
  • Jobs
  • Production orders
  • other key benefits

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