Microsoft has just released new tools to create client portals. Portals allow partners, vendors, clients and other stakeholders to gain access to part of a company of institution security. The users do not have access to the rest of the organizations network other than what is granted, and Microsoft Power Apps makers can now allows you to create a powerful new type of experience: external-facing websites that can expose any data securely that your clients might need to better enable operations.
You will learn
1. About Portals
a. Collaboration
b. Accessibility
c. Customized content
d. Connected devices
e. Better communication
f. How to improve customer loyalty
g. How to improve customer service
h. How to increase productivity
i. Reduce errors
j. Increase responsiveness
k. Analytics
l. Security
2. Design
a. We will also cover how to design the portal through the WYSIWYG power apps portals studio
b. How to configure components on webpages
c. How to connect lists and views from Microsoft Dynamics 365