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Did you miss our Seminar in Mississauga? Don’t worry we at VOX ISM are proud to announce our RECAP event. We will highlight the material covered and present it again for all those who could not attend.

Business Central Overview

  • Streamlining Financial Operations
  • Enhancing AR/AP Efficiency
  • Improving Reporting Accuracy

CFO-Centric Insights

  • Integration with Power BI for Financial Reporting
  • AI in Action: Using Microsoft AI Copilot for Automated Reports & Charts

Cloud Migration

  • Benefits: Security, Privacy, and Compliance
  • Transitioning from Excel and QuickBooks
  • Strategy and Implementation Process

Accounting Features in Business Central

  • Dimensions and Projects Management
  • Multi-Currency / Multi-Company Support
  • Closing Your Books with Speed and Confidence

Implementation Essentials

  • Data Migration: Myths & Realities
  • Training Programs
  • Budgeting and Speed: From Start to Finish

Privacy Preference Center