Jason Marilla, co-founder of Axiom Canada Inc. and expert in the field of Cyber-security, has recently published his new book: “You are the #1 Target”.

Jason and Axiom have worked with VOX ISM for decades and I am very excited to hear that he has taken his wealth of knowledge and experience and poured it into his new book. Axiom Canada is one of the few companies in Canada that can provide Dark Web searches and breach analyses and they have helped countless businesses protect themselves against Cyber-attacks. Jason has also personally assisted many unfortunate businesses in recovering from Cyber-attacks as well, whether it be by Ransomware, Viruses or other breaches.
I am very much looking forward to reading his book myself and gaining more insight into what, exactly, is “out there” and how the world of Cybercrime is changing. As his book title implies, it is no longer just “big businesses” that are a target … everyone is a target and we all need to be prepared and take appropriate precautions. What used to work is no longer enough.
As part of this awareness that Cybercrime is evolving beyond what most conventional precautions can address, VoxISM has released 3 Security and Protection packages to help you protect your company against the growing threat of Cyber-attacks.
For more information on these and what you can do to help protect your business today, check out our “Cyber Security Predictions: 2019 and Beyond” Blog:
Now go out, grab a copy of Jason’s book and a coffee and start reading. You can find it on Amazon now: https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=9780998036922&i=stripbooks&linkCode=qs. Proceeds from this book will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital (https://www.stjude.org/)
Knowledge is your best defense!
Blog post by Trevor Reid, Senior Technology Consultant, VOX ISM

With over 25 years of experience in the Software and IT Industries (and 20 years with VOX ISM), Trevor has been involved in hundreds of software implementations and upgrades. Currently, he is VOX ISM’s “go to” resource for anything technical having to do with SQL Server, SharePoint, Mobility/IFD, Remote Access, Database migrations and other areas of IT infrastructure and administration. Trevor works closely with our customers and their IT personnel and is always eager to share his wealth of knowledge.