Power BI 201 Training

This session will cover:
– Visualizations, Linking Tables and Dashboards – an Overview
– Drill through functionality aka ‘taking your users through a data journey across many tabs’
– Using images as slicers
– MTD, YTD vs previous year
– Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period
– AI Decomposition Tree
– Scatter Charts/Correlation
– Modelling or ‘What-If’ inputs/variables

Power BI 101 Training

Webinar Agenda:
1. Training on report layouts, visualization, tools, filters and navigation
2. Creating your first Dashboard in Power BI

Power BI 201 Training

This session will cover:
– Visualizations, Linking Tables and Dashboards – an Overview
– Drill through functionality aka ‘taking your users through a data journey across many tabs’
– Using images as slicers
– MTD, YTD vs previous year
– Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period
– AI Decomposition Tree
– Scatter Charts/Correlation
– Modelling or ‘What-If’ inputs/variables

Power BI 101 Training

Webinar Agenda:
1. Training on report layouts, visualization, tools, filters and navigation
2. Creating your first Dashboard in Power BI

Microsoft Software for Canadian Business's in 2024

Microsoft Software for Canadian Business in 2024


  • Brief welcome and overview of the webinar’s focus on Microsoft Copilot, Power BI, and Microsoft Business Central.
  • Quick outline of how these tools are shaping Canadian business landscapes in 2024.

Microsoft Copilot: Enhancing Business Operations with AI

  • Overview of Microsoft Copilot’s features and its role in modern business environments.
  • Discussing the benefits and innovative uses of Copilot in Canadian businesses.

Power BI: Transforming Data into Business Insights

  • Introduction to Power BI and its capabilities in data analysis and visualization.
  • Exploring how Power BI drives decision-making and strategy development in various industries.

Microsoft Business Central: Streamlining Business Management

  • Discussing the comprehensive features of Microsoft Business Central.
  • How Business Central integrates with other Microsoft tools to provide a unified business management solution.

Combining Microsoft Tools for Maximum Efficiency

  • Strategies for integrating Copilot, Power BI, and Business Central.
  • Real-world examples of Canadian businesses successfully utilizing these tools.

Microsoft AI Virtual Training Day

• What is Data Science?
• What is Machine Learning?
• What kinds of prediction questions can you ask?
• Common Algorithms
• Data
• Simple Predication
• Hands-on creation in the Machine Learning Studio

Power BI Dashboard in a Day

Power BI Dashboard in a Day

Join us for a virtual workshop for business analysts that covers all the capabilities of Power BI. This session will be especially useful for any companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central.

After the workshop, you’ll better understand how to:

• Connect to, import, and transform data from a variety of sources.

• Define business rules and KPIs.

• Explore data with powerful visualization tools.

• Build stunning reports with Power BI.

• Share dashboards with your team and business partners, and publish them to the web.

Power Bi Dashboard in a Day

Power Bi Dashboard in a Day

Join us for a virtual workshop for business analysts that covers all the capabilities of Power BI. This session will be especially useful for any companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central.

After the workshop, you’ll better understand how to:

• Connect to, import, and transform data from a variety of sources.

• Define business rules and KPIs.

• Explore data with powerful visualization tools.

• Build stunning reports with Power BI.

• Share dashboards with your team and business partners, and publish them to the web.

Power BI Dashboard in a Day

Join us for a virtual workshop for business analysts that covers all the capabilities of Power BI. This session will be especially useful for any companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central.

After the workshop, you’ll better understand how to:

• Connect to, import, and transform data from a variety of sources.

• Define business rules and KPIs.

• Explore data with powerful visualization tools.

• Build stunning reports with Power BI.

• Share dashboards with your team and business partners, and publish them to the web.

Power BI Dashboard in a Day

Maximize your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Experience with Power BI: Attend our Exclusive Webinar

As you continue on your journey to business growth and success, it’s crucial to have a complete understanding of the tools available to you, and how to get the most out of them. Power BI and Dynamics 365 Business Central are two such tools, providing vast opportunities for business analysis and visual data representation, enhancing strategic decision-making and operational efficiency.

This is why we are thrilled to extend an invitation to our upcoming webinar, “Power BI Dashboard in a Day”, scheduled for June 13th at 1:30 PM. We believe this is an opportunity not to be missed for businesses operating on the Microsoft Power Platform, particularly those leveraging Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Why Should You Attend?

The webinar is designed as a comprehensive virtual workshop for business analysts and decision-makers. The primary objective of the session is to provide a complete overview of the functionalities of Power BI. Attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of how to:

  1. Connect to, import, and transform data from a variety of sources: Power BI can connect to numerous data sources, enabling a comprehensive view of business operations.
  2. Define business rules and KPIs: A vital aspect of business intelligence is setting clear KPIs and rules. We’ll explore how Power BI facilitates this in a user-friendly manner.
  3. Explore data with powerful visualization tools: Power BI is renowned for its data visualization capabilities. Attendees will learn to explore and interpret data using these state-of-the-art tools.
  4. Build stunning reports with Power BI: Good reporting is crucial in data-driven decision-making. Learn how Power BI can aid in creating insightful reports that matter.
  5. Share dashboards with your team and business partners, and publish them to the web: Power BI provides a platform for interactive data sharing, promoting collaboration and transparency across teams and with business partners.

The Impact

Post-workshop, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to use Power BI effectively within your organization. This understanding could be transformative, leading to more informed decision-making, enhanced productivity, and ultimately, an improved bottom line.

Remember, Power BI is a game-changer for businesses using Dynamics 365 Business Central. Its seamless integration and the insights it can provide could be the key to unlock your business’s true potential.

Join us as we explore Power BI and learn to harness its capabilities to drive business growth. Whether you’re an existing Power BI user looking to delve deeper or you’re considering implementing Power BI into your data strategy, this webinar offers valuable insights for everyone.

We look forward to connecting with you on June 13th at 1:30 PM. Reserve your spot today to secure your company’s future success. Together, let’s bring clarity to your data and revolutionize the way you do business.

Note: Further details regarding the webinar, including how to join, will be shared upon registration.

Click Here to Register Now