
Teamwork comes to mind when I think of the Vox team. Writing my exam this morning with Jim, Larry, Linda, Mike, Jacob & David was a great experience. Having a support team that is encouraging you along the way is beneficial. I am definitely happy I made the trip to Toronto to write this certification with this amazing team.

What I was surprised with the most was the similar questions. You really had to read the question properly before answering because the question changed by a few words. They were trying to trick you and see if you were paying attention. If I could give you one tip it would be to take your time and read the questions properly.

My three favourite items in CRM 2016 are:

  1. Salespeople can now view:

Sales data in familiar Excel templates

Perform What-if analysis, and upload the changes,

All while maintaining the work context.

(For example, you can download your open opportunities, update them in Excel, and import the changes back)

  1. Mobile has been greatly improved – Microsoft is delivering a seamless user experience across mobile devices, including tablets and phones, in a ‘configure once, deploy everywhere’ model.
  1. The biggest change is that the interface is very easy to use; everything is on 1 screen now.  Saves lots of time

Two years ago when I graduated from Business Marketing at St. Clair I wish they would have prepared me better with the technology side of marketing. Working for a manufacturing company that does business internationally you realize that building strong customer relationships is key for future success. I am looking forward to helping launch the Microsoft Dynamic CRM with the company.

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– Gisele Levasseur