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Empower employees to get the information they need—on their own—through easy-to-use self-service HR tools and Microsoft Teams.


Human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in an organization so that they help the business to gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives.

Many manufacturers have a need for HR software but lack the funds to purchase an HRIS system.


It can track communication (phone calls, emails, documents, appointments) through Outlook and has several modules designed to manage the lifecycle of an employee.

• Administer organizational structures.

• Maintain comprehensive worker information from hire to retire.

• Define and administer benefit plans, skills, equipment, reviews, health benefits and payroll benefits.

• Establish and monitor absence and vacation policies.

• Manage worker competencies.

• Review performance and implement worker goals.

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