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How many pebbles are in a truckload of gravel? How much water is in the ocean? Your ERP system generates so much information that, similar to the analogies above, it is beyond comprehension to calculate or analyze using traditional methods.

We know that valuable information waits to be discovered, but how do you find good customers that should be better customers, reliable vendors that could become critical partners or workflow barriers that impede operations and profits. This is where business intelligence software comes into play.

Today’s webinar is designed for companies with an interest in improving operations and growing their business using data and modern technology provided by Microsoft (Power BI, OLAP cubes, Visual Studio and Excel). Find out how the best run companies leverage their data with the business intelligence tools and techniques provided by Vox.


  • Battling Buzzwords: BI, Big Data, Data Discovery and Analytics
  • BI and Predictive Analytics
  • The Essential Elements of Analytics Driven Organizations
  • Five Attributes of a Modern Robust Analytics Platform
  • Seeing Solutions Holistically
  • 100’s of Questions, 10’s of Discoveries, 1 Improvement

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