The Automotive Supplier Competitive Improvement Program (ASCIP) supports Ontario’s auto parts sector in adopting industry-leading software, hardware and/or providing training and mentorship to improve processes and increase competitiveness.
ASCIP is delivered by Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), in partnership with the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association (APMA), on behalf of the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT).
Through ASCIP, small- and medium-sized automotive suppliers, or large companies partnering with small- or medium-sized automotive suppliers, can apply for to up to $100,000, to support projects.

Companies can apply for ASCIP to support projects with activities that fall under one or both of the following headings:
A. Technology Adoption
Projects to advance product lifecycle management and improve competitiveness through the adoption of advanced hardware, software and/or training.
B. Lean Manufacturing / Mentorship
Projects to improve operational efficiency and competitiveness through the adoption of techniques related to Lean or Lean Manufacturing, and acquire the services of a mentor/consultant to assist with Lean implementation.
The mentors will be automotive industry experts with background and expertise in Lean manufacturing process efficiency to assist suppliers with specific business development needs. They will be identified in collaboration between the applicant company and APMA or proposed by the company through the application and matched based on project outcomes and overall company goals. The services provided by the mentor will qualify as an eligible cost for selected projects.
OCE will contract with a company and reimburse up to 50 per cent of the total eligible project costs, or up to $100,000 per project, whichever is lower, with the company funding the remainder with matching cash contributions.
The APMA will provide support to the applicant company by marketing the ASCIP program to its members and supporting the applicants in developing project proposals.
Please note that the deadline for Application submissions for the Round 2 is November 28th.
To confirm your business’ eligibility for ASCIP and to discover how to optimize the government funding application process, please contact David Cameron at