The COVID-19 pandemic has irreversibly remodelled how we work. Flexible work has become the new norm and has led many companies to move to the cloud. As per Microsoft’s Work Trend Index, more than 80% of managers expect flexible work-from-home policies after the pandemic recedes. And, over 70% of the workforce expect to take advantage of that. Organizations need dynamic and cloud-based solutions to stay on top of their game. Microsoft is actively creating advanced practices to help companies succeed in this hybrid work and learning environment. Forrester recently published a report naming Microsoft a pioneer in enterprise collaboration solutions. Microsoft leads the industry as the top collaboration tools provider in the wake of the pandemic. Microsoft offers a market-leading set of business solutions that suits such a wide range of sizes and types that it can be challenging to choose the right Microsoft solution that suits your business. 

How to choose the right Microsoft solution that suits your business

At VOX ISM, the solutions we provide as Canada’s #1 Microsoft Gold Partner deliver the evolving needs of today’s modern workplace.

Organizations can now take advantage of modern Microsoft avenues for collaboration, connectivity, and productivity. Microsoft’s robust cloud-based application suites have enabled businesses to reduce computing costs and boost performance.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an excellent example of such a solution. It serves as a one-stop solution for all ERP, CRM and collaboration tools needs, helping businesses remain competitive and agile. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a complete service across business processes, from sales, marketing, service, operations and finance. But how can you choose the right Microsoft solution that suits your business? Let us help you out here! 

Tops Reasons Why Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the ideal choice for your business:

  1. Powerful Business Insights: One of Dynamics 365’s most notable advantages is its strength to unite data from various sources to deliver essential insights. Microsoft Dynamics 365 business apps can put together reports with Power BI in a matter of minutes, no matter if it’s about manufacturing efficiency, finance updates, or sales pipelines.
  2. Inter-department Business Connectivity: Since Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based offering that combines Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Productivity Suite (Microsoft/Office 365), it can connect various organizational departments, starting from sales, marketing and customer service to finance and operations. The system aims to ensure that anyone who needs data in real-time can access it to help them make more informed business decisions.
  3. Robust Integrations: Your existing software can be an obstacle to adopting new software. Thankfully, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is one of the most flexible software suites available for integration. Most commonly used accountancy and sales software will integrate without an issue, which is just the tip of the iceberg.
  4. Higher Security: Dynamics 365 sits within Microsoft’s cloud network, hosted within their industry-grade data centres. The advantage of this is to move much of the processing requirement off of your network and greater security. Microsoft will secure your Dynamics 365 installation with their market-leading security product, ensuring your data is safe.
  5. Low costs: While Microsoft Dynamics 365 is seamlessly customizable as per your business requirements, much of the system’s functionality described in this blog comes pretty much out of the box. So your business processes can be up and running quickly with the system with minimal costs. If your business has niche requirements, Dynamics 365 can take off those too. With a bit of development, Dynamics 365 can be your customized platform at a fraction of the cost of custom software. 

Learn how to choose the right Microsoft solution that suits your business:

Join VOX ISM’s exclusive webinar on August 18 to learn about different Microsoft apps and different markets that they are suited to so that you can get an idea of which software suits your business.

How to choose the right Microsoft Solution that suits your business - August 18 - Webinar