The Forrester Wave Report (FWP) for BI Platforms has come out and Microsoft Power BI is leading the pack. In the last year Microsoft has proved itself a market leader with its application Power BI. FWP evaluates BI Platforms based on 14 criteria including: augmented BI, platform extensibility, technical architecture, big data features, ability to prepare data, options for deployment, access to on-prem data and cloud security. These 14 criteria are put into 3 categories and evaluated: Current Offering, Strategy and Market Pressure.
Microsoft is leading the pack with a Current Offering overall value of 4.6, Strategy overall value of 4.5 and Market Presence value of 5 for a total of 14.1.

The Report states:
Because of it’s strong Current Offering, Strategy and Market Presence the report states:

Microsoft’s Power BI is the leader of the pack and with its increased investment in the augmenting BI, integration on multiple platforms and Azure-based security it should be on everyone’s shortlist as a potential BI Provider. Learn more about this market leader at our seminar at Microsoft Head quarters on October 30, 2019.