What is the difference between Business Central Sales Functions and Microsoft CRM for Sales, which product should you use?
Business Central Sales functions and Dynamics CRM for Sales are very similar, I will cover what is the same, and what is the differences below.
To see the software in action, attend todays webinar at 1:30, registration link is here:
1. Both have Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities and Quotes
2. Both are connected to Teams and Power BI
3. CRM for sales and BC have a connector that insures that contacts and accounts are the same, enter them in either system and it moves to the other system automatically!
1. CRM for Sales has a marketing module
2. CRM for Sales has better activity management
3. CRM for sales has connection to LinkedIn

When to buy CRM for Sales
If you have 3 or more sales reps, I would buy CRM for Sales. If you are the owner and doing all the sales for the company, I would use your BC license, you already own it!