Let’s setup a subscription for our daily flash report

Run as administrator on internet explorer


Go to the report server

http://(typically the sql server name)/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx




Click on CFO folder





Click on daily flash report folder

Click on daily flash report and click manage – this is the ‘Main Report’ the rest are sub reports




Click on subscriptions and review the status

In this case one of the reports that I edited needed its data source changed

Click New Subscription




Toggle the drop down to delivered by ‘e-mail’


If the e-mail doesn’t appear you need to setup the reporting servers on the server


Go here, toggle email settings and enter the ‘sender address’, which must be a valid email on your network and the SMTP server. There is a slight possibility that your network guys prevent this type of automated emailing on the exchange server but otherwise its good.

Choose the type of file, I typically use the web archive if it’s internal so you can click and drill down into detail and refresh live. Otherwise PDF. You can also include a comment


Next select Schedule



It’s here that you can toggle when you want the report delivered, what day of the week and time.