A software implementation is a massive undertaking for any organization to take on as it requires a significant amount of effort to ensure success. An organization with a software project has to consider how investing resources, time, and money can affect the day to day operations of the business and, ultimately, the bottom line. Templated Implementation can significantly reduce the risk of your investment. In this article, we will explore how a Templated Implementation works like and how it will help you conquer common implementation hurdles, such as scope management and project creep.
A Templated Implementation is a predefined blueprint that is used to deliver ON-TIME and ON-BUDGET software projects in 3 months. The objective is to deliver a structured project with detailed steps & phases in 100 days.
- Start by choosing your industry you a manufacturer for the auto industry or food & beverage, do you distribute or sell online, do you offer services and/or repairs, perhaps you are a sales & marketing office? What your organization does will determine the type of Templated Implementation is required. Our industry experts often find that most organizations in the same industry are challenged by similar problems or require similar solutions; seldom do they find unique situations. VOX ISM has launched Templated Implementations for Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing, Equipment Manufacturing, Distribution, Digital Commerce, and CRM. Put together from decades of implementation experience; the Templates will deliver the best approach & practices for Implementation and training, as well as industry standard.
- Choose your Scope
- It is essential to define how much you will conquer in Phase 1 and what will GoLive at the end of the 100 days. Are you looking to take everything live or perhaps just the Financial or Operational side? The Templated Implementation will give insight into the kind of effort it will require to do each scope and provide a better understanding of your organization about what will be required.
- Choose your Project Focus
- Industry requires some sort of solution specific to the operations of that organization. Food & Beverage companies will want tracking & traceability; another company may require barcoding or shop floor insight. Each Templated Implementation allows you to choose your Top 3 Must-Haves that will be turned on at the end of the 100 days.
These carefully made steps are taken with the help and guide of our Industry-Specific Solution Experts. They are the result of several planning meetings with our Implementation Team, but once these decisions have been made, you can rest assure the project is off to a running start!
Templated Implementations provide structure and framework for the software project. Still, the Team that delivers the work must have the expertise of the industry and software to ensure implementation success coupled with the right support. VOX ISM has a large team, made up of industry experts who specialize in industry best practices and Microsoft Dynamics365 & Business Central software. They are local to the GTA and familiar with the local industry.
A Templated Implementation needs the support of the right Team, as well as the right training materials. VOX ISM’s experts have invested in creating SOP’s, standardized Forms & Reports, Videos, and Training Events to help support your Implementation – this will help to reach your GoLive goal.
We discussed the framework and support required for a Templated Implementation, but what about the actual steps of the project? The Templated Implementation milestones will take the project through: Technical Readiness, Discovery & Configuration, Pilot, Train & Test, and finally GoLive! The deliverables of each milestone are predefined and are easily tracked through VOX ISM’s customer portal (in which you can track the progress of your Implementation.) In addition to the support of VOX ISM’s Project Manager, who will help guide your Templated Implementation along and facilitate project status reporting.
The idea of the Templated Implementation has officially launched at VOX ISM, our Industry Experts organized and invested their time into planning sessions and delivered the best approach to industry-specific software implementations. Here is our Team at the launch meeting on January 17th, presenting the details and going over the specifics to the entire VOX ISM team.
Join us on January 31st at Microsoft Headquarters in Mississauga, ON, where we will be discussing the Top 5 Microsoft Tools for Businesses in 2020 and what the best practices are for using Teams, OneNote, SharePoint, Outlook, and excel to improve your productivity.

If you are interested in learning more at VOX ISM’s Templated Implementations, please contact us at sales@voxism.com. If you are interested in attending one of the various training events, click here to check out our 2020 calendar.
Happy Implementing!
Blog post by Ksenia Beljakova – Business Development Coordinator

Ksenia Beljakova graduated from Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Communications. Shortly after graduation – Ksenia began her career as a business owner, before moving onto Procurement & Logistics in the Distribution & Manufacturing sector.